Why Become a Member ?
Recently, The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) alerted the public to the status of wild Atlantic salmon. It is not good. The salmon of some Maritime rivers have already been listed as endangered with more likely to be placed on the Species at Risk List in the near future. Something must be done to prevent this iconic species from disappearing from our rivers. We need organizations and individuals to come together and work for that cause. Joining WSU will provide you the opportunity to do just that. So, please go to our membership page sign up and help us. Your membership is tax deductible.
Being a member of WSU will:
Provide you a platform to have your voice heard about wild Atlantic salmon.
Give you an opportunity to work with other like-minded people to help restore our salmon.
Provide you with a sense of environmental stewardship and satisfaction knowing that you are helping save Atlantic salmon and providing it an opportunity to thrive.