Who We Are


In October 2013, a group of Atlantic salmon aficionados met to discuss the decline of the “king of fish” and determine how they could help reverse the trend. The meeting culminated in the establishment of a new society called “The Society for the Enhancement of Wild Salmon Stocks”, also known as: Wild Salmon Unlimited (WSU). 

WSU is now a charitable, volunteer organization registered with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Its mission is to restore wild Atlantic salmon and make it, once again, an economic resource vital to our rural way of life.

WSU’s motto: “from the wild to the wild” encompasses a process of restoration known as “smart stocking”. Kelts (salmon that have spawned) are captured in spring on their return to sea and rejuvenated in hatcheries.  In autumn their eggs and milt are married then reared to smolts and released to rivers at the optimal time. These smolts go to sea and some will return after one year as grilse.  Others stay longer and return as multi-sea winter fish. The kelts are released back to the river soon after the eggs have been taken.  Some will return to spawn again.  Smart stocking insures that these salmon spawn at least twice, once naturally and once in hatcheries.  If nature cooperates, a percentage will return to spawn naturally again.