What is a Smolt?

A smolt is the silver- sided fish that is the fifth stage of development from egg to an adult Atlantic salmon.  At this stage, the fish undergoes significant physiological changes that enables it to adapt to living in a salt-water environment.  It is also at this time that it begins to swim with the current.   That allows it to follow river currents to the estuaries and eventually to the ocean where, while avoiding numerous predators, it feeds voraciously on small aquatic invertebrates, capelin, herring and other small fish.  If it survives for a year at sea, it may return to its river of origin as a sexually mature grilse.   It could stay at sea longer and return as a multi-sea winter fish.

Become a Smolt Owner

The smolt fund is a money reservoir set aside, specifically, for use by WSU to purchase smolts. It provides, individuals, corporations, and others a unique option to make contributions directly to that cause. Any individual, group or corporation contributing to the purchase of 25 smolts receives a regular membership for the year the contribution was made.


Become a Smolt Owner